Our Story
The office for Padre Domenico da Cese - Volto Santo.

This Office for Padre Domenico da Cese – Volto Santo was established in September 2019 to increase the awareness of and to aid in the beatification and canonization process for the Servant of God Padre Domenico da Cese, Capuchin, along with increasing the knowledge of the Volto Santo, a precious relic otherwise known as the Holy Face of Jesus in the Basilica of the Volto Santo, Manoppello, Italy.
It is with great joy to announce that on October 18, 2019; Father Carmine Cucinelli, Rector of the Basilica of the Volto Santo, personally gave his approval and blessing for this apostolate to Tamara Klapatch.
It is with deep appreciation to Sr. Petra-Maria Steiner, Vita Communis-Mary, Mother of the Holy Family; for allowing me to assist her directly regarding her work as the biographer for Padre Domenico chosen by Father Eugenio Di Giamberardino, Vice Postulator.

On October 18, 2019, I was officially given by Padre Carmine Cucinelli, the Rector of the Basilica of the Holy Face – Manoppello, Italy his blessing and approval for this apostolate to promote Padre Domenico da Cese’s cause and for spreading devotion to the Holy Face which I am deeply honored.
Authorization to spread the devotion to Padre Domenico da Cese and devotion to the Holy Face of Manoppello was also given on October 29, 2020 by the new Rector of the Basilica of the Holy Face, Padre Antonio Gentili.
Tamara translated and co-published the book, "Servant of God Padre Domenico Da Cese, O.F.M Capuchin an Illustrated Biography" written by Sr. Petra-Maria Steiner, Vita Communis in 2019. As well as, wrote an article for "Inside the Vatican" magazine in January 2020. Numerous speaking engagements including: Istoryang Katoliko - Philippines, Radio Maria USA & Canada, Franciscan University of Steubenville, National Centre for Padre Pio, and various churches. Tamara's work has been featured in articles in Italy including: "Abruzzo nel Mondo", "Il Volto Santo di Manoppello" magazine, and in the December 2021 Diocesan bulletin for the Cese/Avezzano regions.
The Servant of God Padre Domenico da Cese is considered the person who rediscovered the Volto
Santo. Until his death, Padre Domenico worked tirelessly in Manoppello, Italy to make this relic known.
If anyone knew personally Padre Domenico, or became one of his spiritual children, experienced
miracles due to his intercession, or has any written records or data please contact:
Sr. Petra-Maria Steiner:
Vita Communis
Ossweiler Weg 45, 71334 Waiblingen, Germany
Email: srpetramaria@gmail.com
Or in the United States:
Tamara Klapatch
Director, Padre Domenico Da Cese – Volto Santo
P.O. Box 471
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Email: PadreDomenicoVoltoSanto@gmail.com